Academy of Arts and Letters

Book List of AAAL Members:
Renata Adler, A Year in the Dark, 1971
Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, 2007
Isabel Allende, The House of Spirits, 1982
Roger Angell, Season Ticket, 1988
Kwame Anthony Appiah, The Ethics of Identity, 2005
Paul Auster, The New York Trilogy, 1987
Russell Banks, Continental Drift, 1985
John Barth, Chimera, 1972
Ann Beattie, The Accomplished Guest: Stories, 2017
Louis Begley, Wartime Lies, 1991
Wendell Berry, Three Short Novels, 2002
Frank Bidart, Star Dust: Poems, 2005
Harold Bloom, Anatomy of Influence, 2011
Robert Bly, Iron John: A Book About Men, 1990
T. C. Boyle, World's End, 1987
Robert Brustein, The English Channel, 2008
Peter Carey, The History of the Kelly Gang, 2000
Robert Caro, The Power Broker, 1974
Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, 2000
Ron Chernow, The House of Morgan, 1990
Henri Cole, Touch, 2011
Billy Collins, The Art of Drowning, 1995
Robert Coover, Huck Out West, 2017
Michael Cunningham, The Hours, 1998
Don Delillo, Underworld, 2003
Junot Díaz, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, 2007
Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking, 2005
Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, 1974
Rita Dove, Collected Poems: 1974-2004, 2016
Dave Eggers, A Hologram for the King, 2012
Deborah Eisenberg, Collected Stories, 2010
Louise Erdrich, The Night Watchman, 2020
Jeffrey Eugenides, Fresh Complaint: Stories, 2017
Jules Feiffer, Sick, Sick, Sick: A Guide to Non-Confident Living, 1958
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Starting from San Francisco: Poems, 1967
Richard Ford, Independence Day, 1995
Jonathan Franzen, The Corrections, 2001
Ian Frazier, Lamentations of the Father: Essays, 2000
Ernest J. Gaines, A Lesson Before Dying, 1993
Henry Louis Gates, Jr., The Signifying Monkey, 1988
Louise Glück, Faithful and Virtuous Night, 2014
Mary Gordon, Final Payments, 1978
Jorie Graham, The Errancy: Poems, 1997
Stephen Greenblatt, The Swerve: How the World Became Modern, 2011
John Guare, The House of Blue Leaves, 1966
Allan Gurganus, Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All, 1989
Robert Haas, The Apple Trees at Olema: New and Collected Poems, 2010
Amy Hempel, Collected Stories, 2006
Edward Hirsch, The Living Fire: New and Selected Poems, 1975-2010, 2010
Edward Hoagland, The Courage of Turtles, 1970
Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, 1976
Richard Howard, Misgivings: Poems, 1979
John Irving, The World According to Garp, 1978
Ha Jin, Waiting, 1999
Diane Johnson, Le Divorce, 1997
Ward Just, Echo House, 1997
Garrison Keillor, Lake Wobegon Days, 1985
William Kennedy, Ironweed, 1983
Jamaica Kincaid, Lucy, 1990
Yusef Komunyakaa, Neon Vernacular: New and Selected Poems, 1993
Jane Kramer, The Last Cowboy, 1977
Tony Kushner, Angels in America, 1991
Janet Malcolm, Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession, 1977
David Mamet, Writing in Restaurants, 1986
Colum McCann, Let the Great World Spin, 2009
David McCullough, Truman, 1992
David McCullough, John Adams, 2001
Thomas McGuane, Gallatin Canyon: Stories, 2006
Terrence McNally, Master Class, 1995
John McPhee, Annals of the Former World, 1998
Lorrie Moore, Bark: Stories, 2014
Toni Morrison, Beloved, 1987
Paul Muldoon, Selected Poems, 1968-2014, 2016
Lynn Nottage, Intimate Apparel, 2004
Joyce Carol Oates, Black Water, 1992
Sharon Olds, The Dead and the Living: Poems, 1984
Cynthia Ozick, The Pagan Rabbi, and Other Stories, 1971
Suzan-Lori Parks, The America Play, and Other Works, 1994
Ann Patchett, Bel Canto, 2001
Robert Pinsky, First Things to Hand, 2006
Richard Powers, The Gold Bug Variations, 1991
Richard Price, Lush Life, 2008
Francine Prose, Household Saints, 1981
Annie Proulx, Postcards, 1992
Claudia Rankine, Citizen: An American Lyric, 2014
David Remnick, Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire, 1993
Marilynne Robinson, Gilead, 2004
Kay Ryan, Dragon Acts to Dragon Ends, 1983
George Saunders, In Persuasion Nation, 2006
Stacy Schiff, Cleopatra, 2010
Grace Schulman, Days of Wonder: New and Selected Poems, 2002
David Sedaris, Naked, 1997
Wallace Shawn, Essays, 2010
Charles Simic, Walking the Black Cat: Poems, 1996
Jane Smiley, A Thousand Acres, 1991
Gary Snyder, Myths and Texts, 1960
Elizabeth Snyder, Stories, 1980
Art Spiegelman, In the Shadow of No Towers, 2004
Paul Theroux, The Mosquito Coast, 1981
Natasha Trethewey, Domestic Work: Poems, 2000
Calvin Trillin, Enough's Enough, and Other Rules of Life, 1990
Anne Tyler, Breathing Lessons, 1988
Helen Vendler, Voices and Visions: The Poet in America, 1987